Categorical Syllogism

Warning: Web Page Notes are not intended as a substitute for attending lectures.

A categorical syllogism is an argument which has two categorical propositions for premises and one categorical proposition as the conclusion. (Each proposition has two different terms.) A categorical syllogism has exactly three terms, each occurring in two propositions. The term which occurs in both premises is called the middle term. The term which occurs as the predicate term in the conclusion is called the major term. The premise which has the major term is called the major premise. To put the argument into standard form, one must place the major premise first. The subject of the conclusion is called the minor term and the premise with the minor term is called the minor premise. In standard form the minor premise is placed second. In other words, if the predicate term of the conclusion is in the second premise, the argument is not in standard form and it must be rewritten with the premises switched to put it in standard form.

Mood and Figure

Since categorical propositions come in 4 kinds, each premise and conclusion of a categorical syllogism may be of 4 kinds. By putting syllogisms in standard form we can identify the kinds of proposition each premise and conclusion is, merely by stating the vowel names in order. This is called stating the mood of the argument. For example if the mood of a categorical syllogism is given as AEO, we can know that the major premise is an A statement, because the major premise comes first in standard form. Likewise we can see that the minor premise would be an E statement, and the conclusion an O statement. By knowing the figure of the syllogism, in addition to its mood, one can know the complete logical form of any categorical syllogism. The logical form, not the content, completely determines whether the argument is valid or invalid and so is very important. The figure of the syllogism refers to the configuration of the middle terms in the premises. If the middle term is the subject term of the major premise and the predicate of the minor premise, then the figure is 1st. If the middle term is predicate of both premises, then the figure is 2nd. If the middle term is subject of both, then the figure is 3rd. If the middle term is predicate of the major and subject of the minor, the figure is 4th. In the following table M is always the middle term; P is always the major term, and S is always the minor term. The words which provide the copula, quality and quantity have been deliberately left out of this table as they are irrelevant to figure.
Major Premise
M    P
P    M
M    P
P    M
Minor Premise
S    M
S    M
M    S
M    S
S    P
S    P
S    P
S    P

There are 256 syllogistic forms given that each proposition may be one of 4 forms (A, E, I, or O) and the figure may be one of 4 too (that is 4 X 4 X 4 X 4). At most only 24 of these are valid.


The words 'valid' and 'invalid' are often used in a loose way. Someone might say, "She makes a valid point." and mean perhaps that what she said was true or even merely that what she said needs to be considered. It would be less confusing if the word 'valid' were reserved for use in its more technical sense. We shall use the word in this technical sense: an argument is valid if and only if having a false conclusion is impossible when the premises are true. In other words, in a valid argument the truth of the premises necessitates the truth of the conclusion, indeed guarantees the truth of the conclusion. In this technical sense validity is a property of arguments, not of "points", sentences or statements. The relationship between validity and truth and falsity is very specific and not entirely what you might intuit or expect. The following table indicates which combinations of truth and falsity are possible for the premises and conclusions of valid and invalid arguments. When we speak of true premises we mean that all the premises are true; when we speak of false premises we mean that at least one premise is false.
Invalid Arguments
Valid Arguments

Only the combination of true premises with a false conclusion in a valid argument is impossible. The validity of an argument is determined by its logical form rather than by its content. If an argument having a certain form is valid then all arguments having the same form are equally valid no matter how different the content may be. Likewise if an argument having a certain form is invalid then all other arguments with the same form will be invalid. A sound argument is a valid argument with all true premises.

The Rules of Validity

An argument must meet all of the following conditions to be valid. Failing to meet one or more conditions shows an argument to be invalid.
  1. The middle term must be distributed at least once.
  2. If a term is distributed in the conclusion, then it must be distributed in its premise.
  3. If one of the premises is negative, then the conclusion must be negative, and if the conclusion is negative, then one of the premises must be negative.
  4. There must not be two negative premises.
 For more information see Garth Kemerling's Web Pages on Categorical Syllogism and  Their Validity