Arguments must be distinguished from explanations. Explanation aims at giving an account of how something came about, while argument aims at persuading one to accept the truth of the conclusion. For example: "I wore a coat today because it was cold out." gives an explanation of my wearing a coat. But: "I wore a coat today because Sam saw me walk in with it on." gives an argument.
There are indicator words that help us identify conclusions and premises.
Unfortunately these are not always used, so their absence does not mean
that there is no argument. Also, some of these words may indicate an explanation
rather than an argument (for example: ‘because’, ‘for’, or ‘since’).
Basic | V-Argument | T-Argument | Multi-Step | Multi-Conclusion |
Complex (still a V-Argument) |
An argument that has more than one step can be no stronger than the weakest step.
An argument that has independent premises in a single step is as strong as the strongest branch (independent reason).
Sometimes a premise will be left unstated. In analysing an argument one may acceptably fill in a missing premise provided that it is necessary to close a logical gap between the other premises and the conclusion, and one does not thereby commit that author to more than necessary. Be fair. You need not fear that being too fair will hurt your own case because any bad argument will require a bad (improbable, false, impossible or absurd) premise.
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as a substitute for attending lectures.